June Discussion Poll
Posted: Sunday, May 16, 2010 by Twi Fic Club inHey Ficsters!
Big thanks to everyone who participated in the Just Wait discussion last night. It was awesome to have such an in depth discussion with so many people.
I am compiling notes from our discussion to provide InstantKarmaGirl with some feedback. Additionally, she has agreed to let me interview her and post her answers on the blog. If you have any questions you'd like to ask InstantKarmaGirl, please comment below or email us.
Poll will be up for one week. Depending on the outcome, we may or may not have a WussPerv topic next month.
I asked this in a rather abbreviated way via Twitter. To expound a bit: Does IKG intend for Bella's drug use in JW to be viewed as a true addiction or as a wall that Bella builds to hide behind? Thus far, I see it as a wall or a crutch of sorts and not a full-blown addiction.