Debrief: Elemental by TallulahBelle

Posted: Saturday, May 22, 2010 by Twi Fic Club in

Tuesday's discussion of Elemental by TallulahBelle was great! Thanks to everyone who participated, and to antiaol and scarlettletters who stepped in as mods.

TallulahBelle agreed to let us interview her with questions posed during the discussion, and also commented on the notes provided to her, which can be found here.

1. Your story opened up with such a strong prologue. How far are we from that scene?

Not far.

2. Where did you come up with the plotline and why did you decide to make it a Twific? What was it about the characters in Twilight that made you think a story like this could work with them?

I had a dream and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I bought a notebook and wrote it down and I kept writing. I filled that notebook up within a period of two weeks with sections of the what would become Elemental and notes about what to research.

It was an original fic, but I didn't know much about how to write or craft a story. I had been reading fan fiction for a few months and the Twilight community looked like the best source for help to learn how to write. I placed the the lead character's names as Bella and Edward and the rest just flowed. I had no idea if this would work or not. I wrote this story because I had to write it.

3. How much (if any) of your personality is in your Bella? Do you see yourself identifying with her more or another character?

I do identify with Bella in this story because I was finding out about this "new world" at the same time as she was. This story is a journey for both of us. How much of me is in Bella? There are bits that are me, but I put bits of myself in some of the other characters. There isn't one character that is all me.

4. Did you model the other characters off of people in your life?

The only person I truly modeled off a person in my real life is Grandpa Cullen. That was my Ex-boss who was a piece of work and very self-centered.

Carlisle is a bit like my own father when I was growing up; very moral, position comes first, and then personal needs.

5. If you could have any character's power(s), whose would it be and why?

Even though I was born under a fire sign, and do have respect for that Element, I would love to have a garden of my own. So, maybe Earth.

6. During the FicClub discussion, participants were displeased with Renee and Charlie's keeping Bella's being a Witch a secret and what that lack of knowledge led up to. Can you explain why you chose to have Bella be so "in the dark?"

When Renee was banished, there was never a thought that they would return to Forks. That was it, they're gone and there would be no redemption. At the time, Renee seriously doubted her own abilities to work with her Element. She was scarred by what she did to Esme. Charlie, knowing and feeling this as her mate, repressed his own powers as well to keep the sanity in their new life, but to also keep the secret of what they are from the people around them.
When they returned to Forks, it was a mix of things of why Bella wasn't informed.

Carlisle kept his cards close to his chest and gave them only what was needed until they arrived. He ordered for Bella to give her promise. Charlie informed Renee, but she asked for them to talk to Bella first and give her a choice.

Renee being the emotional person that she is, was dealing with her own demons. She was really broken by what transpired long ago and didn't have the strength that she once had. She was essentially a mess and reliving all the damage that she created the closer they got to Forks.

Charlie, still being part of the Coven, tricked Bella into giving her promise, because he was under orders from his leader. Also, the fact that Renee was slipping more and more into her depressive state, the time to talk to Bella never came.

Does this all make sense? Probably not. Like in real life, there are not always black and white answers for what we do. Some people will do things with the best intentions, but the outcome is not always a good one.

7. Do you work from an outline, and if so how detailed is it? Do you know how many chapters Elemental will be?

I do have an outline, and hand written notes, and stickies, and scribbles, and puppets...
There are about four to five chapters left and a epilogue.

8. And finally, WILL THERE BE A LEMON?

Did you read Chapter twenty-two?


  1. Anonymous says:

    HAHAHA about Chapter 22, but no, really...

  1. Unknown says:

    question 8<- LOL Theres actually been 2 lemons so far. Anyway, I cant believe its gonna be short. I really love this story.

  1. Scarlett, my dear, I will have that T-Shirt made.

    "Say No to Blue Balls" on the front.

    "Team Get Witchward Some" on the back.

    Do you want the font in sparkles, too?